25 Jun 3 Reasons to Have Your Wedding Dress Preserved by a Certified Wedding Gown Specialist
Your wedding dress is probably the most important garment you will ever purchase – and the most expensive! A lot of brides purchase their gown a few months before their big day, wear it once, and store it in the back of their closet for YEARS, not thinking about it until that one day where they want to relive that special moment or their daughters are engaged and want to see the dress their mother got married in.
Wedding gowns are delicate and you don’t want to try and clean them using home remedies that could spoil your dress forever. Because they are white, they are very easy to stain, whether with food, wine, dirt, grass or any other particles that could get on your dress during your big day. Some stains, such as sugar stains, are invisible at first, but turn into brown spots on your dress over time. But don’t fear, your local AWGS Certified Wedding Gown Specialists ™ will make sure to have your dress looking like new no matter what it gets put through during your big day. Certified Wedding Gown Specialists ™ are well versed in taking care of important garments, so you know your dress will be in good hands when you send it off – here are our top reasons why!
1. Delicate Fabrics = Special Care
If any garment you purchase should be considered special-care from the get-go, it is your wedding dress. The materials are very delicate: there is often tulle, lace, beads and diamonds embroidered throughout making the dress unique but also very difficult to take care of. Satin, silk, rayon and velvet are a few other materials that your wedding dress could be made of. All of the above cannot be machine-washed and you shouldn’t attempt to clean your gown on your own. Doing so is risky business. Professional cleaners are skilled in cleaning delicate items, and are especially trained in the cleaning and preservation of wedding gowns. When you take your gown to be professionally cleaned by a Certified Wedding Gown Specialists™, you are putting it in the right hands and ensuring that when it gets picked up it will look like brand new.
2. Dirt, Spills, and Stains
A lot of Certified Wedding Gown Specialists ™ suggest that the bride’s maid of honour get the gown cleaned and preserved as soon as the wedding day is over and the bride is on her way to her honeymoon. Why? Your dress is worn once and goes through a lot. BUT, most importantly it will probably not be worn again for a number of years unless you sell it or donate it. All of the day’s festivities will be engrained into the dress: from dirt, food crumbs and stains to your own bodily oils. You want to make sure you get it cleaned and preserved so that your dress stays beautiful for a long time to come.
3. More than Just a Clean
When you take your gown to a Certified Wedding Gown Specialist ™ you are taking it to a professional who is fully able to complete the task at hand and is completely knowledgeable in the techniques necessary to make sure that your wedding gown not only gets cleaned, but gets back to you in great condition. Whether this means reattaching beads, sewing rips, or spot cleaning they’ve got you covered (although it may cost you a bit more). When you get your dress preserved, you will have the benefit of getting it professionally cleaned and boxed up in a museum-grade box that is sure to keep your dress looking amazing for years and years to come!
A lot of people are wary about taking their most precious belonging to date to a professional cleaner. What if they ruin your dress? What if it gets lost? You’ve heard stories and you need to take precaution: not any professional cleaner will do. You need a Certified Wedding Gown Specialist™ to clean and preserve your dress in order to be protected by the International Lifetime Preservation Guarantee that comes with your dress. This guarantee will make sure that even if you unbox your dress 10 years from the day you got it cleaned and preserved, you can have it re-done if discolouration occurs. The Association of Wedding Gown Specialists is also recommended by many wedding dress designers.
Still wary? Just remember, you are visiting professionals who are well equipped. Most importantly, they are people who understand how much you value your gown. Whenever you have questions about how the cleaning process works, just ask! We here at Browns are always looking for suggestions and tips to make our services better for you.
For more information and tips on how to clean your most valuable garments contact us today!
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