Your Go-To Guide to Common Drycleaning Symbols

Your Go-To Guide to Common Drycleaning Symbols

Feeling stumped on how to go about washing your new suit jacket? Feel like you’re trying to decipher a foreign language when you’re looking at the tag inside?

We get it. Having been in the dry cleaning business for decades, we’ve fielded a LOT of questions. One of the most frequently fielded: what the heck does this mean (while pointing to a care symbol)?

This week, we’ve compiled a guide to common drycleaning symbols, so you can check back every time you’re unsure what to do! Be sure to bookmark this page. We’re certain these will come in handy:



Pressed for time? Don’t forget that we’re always available at the drop of a hat (or a suit jacket) to swing by your home and pick up your dry cleaning to save you some time!

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